📊 Check Out Superior Construction’s Covid-19 Dashboard

Wow! This is a great use of the data.

It is an amazing use. Thanks

Very creative! Nicely done!
Will there be only a map of Canada and provincies? I would love to see Ontario done in this fashion

This is a great example of everything that can be done with dashboards.

Is there a training how to prepare a Canadian Provinces/Territories map chart in Prophix? Thanks

This looks awesome, our team is ready to roll out something very similar to our directors to spark conversation and to have data readily available.

Great to see the dashboarding capabilities used in a different way!

Very interesting stuff

It would be interesting to layer in data on vaccinations to see how current infections relate; hopefully there’s a pretty strong inverse correlation. If the information is available, it would also be revealing to see if/how locations using a higher percentage of any particular vaccine manufacturer are doing against locations with a higher usage from another manufacturer.

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Very cool dashboard, I really like the map. Thanks for sharing the documentation.

this is really great and I can see where it would be useful!

I love the creative use of Prophix to get the management team relying on it and engaging with it more. Great idea!