End User Basic Training?

We are doing lunch and learns. The first ones were basic Navigating the reports that exist, now we have moved on to building dataviews etc. (I’ve built different handouts for each ones - and they like when there are cheat sheets - like giving the usual defaults to pick and what time perspectives do (July 2020 when using base, YTD, rolling 3 month, etc).

I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!!

I like the ideas shared

Love the idea of lunch and learns - it’s something we did frequently pre-pandemic. Now that we’re returning to the office this thread has inspired me to encourage we bring consistent training back to our organization.

I’m a bit late to this party, but we recently revamped the Prophix Help Center to include more and improved content. For quick general Q&A we have how-to/training type documentation available now on the Help Center. How-to/training type content have a :bulb: in the title. In addition, for customer subscribed to CSP, you have access to semi-annual remote group training sessions. Theses are 4-hour remote training sessions for a group of end users that are available on request (submitted via a ticket on the Help Center by your CSP Admin).

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