Success At A Different Level

What a fantastic story. Success is in the eye of the beholder, congratulations on yours. Sounds like Prophix is making that easy for you.


Thank you for sharing about your family, organisation, and your experiences. Great story. All the best!


Hi Julie,

You mentioned that you have ~50 prophix users in your organization. Are these all finance? If not, what other functions are represented and how did you get them to use the system?


Are you a cloud user? Have you run into any issues with calculation errors utilizing DPM in the cloud that used to work in the on-prem version?

Thank you for sharing

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Hi Marissa,
Only 4 of the 50 users are in Finance. They’re mostly upper management users who are inputting their budget needs and some of their admins to assist with the input and monthly variance analysis tracking. These include our programming departments, engineering departments, technology departments, HR, etc. They’re inclined to get into the system (at least during budget season) if they want budget funds for the next months/year. Also, our annual personnel increases and new headcounts are proposed and worked out in the personnel templates during budget season and so, more incentives for them to get into the system. :slight_smile:

Hi Kelly,
Yes, we just migrated to the cloud the beginning of this year, 2021. I haven’t come across any calculation errors per se in DPM. There was one issue we had with the months on my schedules showing out of order (ie Aug-Dec came before Jan-Jul)…but that went away after a short period…maybe something from a system update fixed it. I never did got an answer on what happened.
I’m curious to know what specific calculation is not working for you? Maybe it’s happening to us to and I just haven’t noticed it.

Thanks for sharing your story Julie!

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Fantastic story! thanks for sharing!

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Thank you for sharing your story Julie, 4 active DPM cubes!?!? I’m trying to maintain just one!

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Thankfully one of them is used just annually. lol

Awesome story @julie.lai, thanks for sharing! :ok_hand: Your DPM uses sound interesting.

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Great story, thank you for sharing Julie!

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Thanks for sharing!!

What is the source. ( accounting system) of your Prophix data?

Thanks for sharing your story and your definition of success.

Thanks for the information on DPM. I’d like to start using these ourselves and it is good to get some practical insight into how they are used.