2019 Nashville Conference Session Notes

Hi. Does anyone know where we can download the notes from our breakout sessions? We were told that they would be available as powerpoints.

Hey, Leonid! Our Marketing Team has let me know that a link to the PowerPoint files will be sent out later this week. I’m not sure about the notes, however. I’ll let others from Prophix comment on that.

Leon, I’m not sure if we have plans to post the notes from the breakout sessions. Were you interested in notes from one specific session? If so, let me know and we’ll see if we can track that down.

Hi - I was also hoping/expecting the powerpoint slides from all of the breakout sessions - even those I couldn’t attend! In the past we’ve been able to get those from each session, I believe.

The slides will be available for sure! We’re just waiting for them to be posted. The notes on the other hand… I don’t know if those are getting posted.

Here is the location of the conference slides if you haven’t received (or noticed) the email from April 24th.
Click here to access session presentations. The password is N@shville!