About the Higher Education Discussions category


This is a space for Prophix users in the Higher-Education space to share best practices, discuss strategies and collaborate around your use of Prophix.

For those who have not joined our Prophix Higher Education Industry Peer Group, please contact Alex Wong via Red Carpet to be added to the group!

The Higher-Education peer group provides a support network for fellow Prophix clients in the industry to share ideas and best practices to drive more ROI from their Prophix investment. It’s a prime opportunity to collaborate with peers and discuss strategies to tackle business challenges and unique factors that affect the office of finance in Higher Ed.

Attention Higher Education Peer Group Users!

Red Carpet will be our primary tool for chat. A group chat has been set up where you’ll be able to have an ongoing discussion for anything you’d like to share or ask for feedback on from your peers.

This Higher Education peer group area has also been set up for us to share and archive specific topics like industry news, Prophix tips/best practices and new feature/product discussions.

Our MS Teams channel will be used for storing any files of content that the group would like to share.