We had a great session today with @jodi.schultz and @denise.feece who shared their experiences as they have navigated through their career path.
Please feel free to share your thoughts on this session, or ask any additional questions you may have for Jodi, Denise, or anyone of your other Red Carpet peers!
A really good question came up that both Jodi and Denise were eager to answer, but we ran short on time! The question was: Usually you have to convince your business leaders on the benefits of Prophix BEFORE you purchase it. When a business is evaluating a possible new ERP how to you remind those same leaders on the value that Prophix provides?
Denise and Jodi will share their thoughts, but feel free to chime in if you have any ideas to share!
You can also checkout the attached results of a survey we sent out earlier this year that contains some insight on the value respondents indicated they get from their Prophix solution.
Prophix - Customer Value Survey Results - May 2021.pdf (2.3 MB)