Activities - Share your Finance Story

Has anyone been given points for sharing their finance story? I am not sure why it has been pending for so long even though I completed that a while ago.

hhmmmm. i did a gartner survey too, and didn’t get points for that.

Hi, @michael.senchuk. I think @imtiaz.qureshi is referring to the activity where we ask customers if they’d like to work with Prophix on a case study or other type of customer profile. I looked into your Gartner Peer Insights review. It appears you received the points on January 14th. Is that the one you mean?

Hi, @imtiaz.qureshi. Thanks for posting this.

Customers volunteer to participate in a case study or other customer profile and receive a small amount of points at that time. They receive the rest of those points (the bulk amount) and the activity is no longer listed as ‘pending’ when we receive customer approval and publish the related content.

We got the sense from your initial response to the activity that perhaps it’s too early for a Moneris case study. We would be happy to work with you, @thifiya.ganesan, and @vivienne.lee when you’re ready.

Huh, maybe I did then. How did you pull that up? I can’t seem to find that in my profile info.

Good question, @michael.senchuk. As the admin, I have a different layout from yours, so you won’t see a view like the one I screen captured above. However, you might see the Gartner Peer Insights activity listed if you visit the Activities section and click on the Completed tab, per below. Does it work for you?

that did, thanks, and it is under ‘completed’. thanks.

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