Additional customization on WF task Emails

Question: is it possible to remove the second Excel link from the WF email so only the first link remains

In getting users more comfortable with viewing reports and dashboards in Prophix, we are launching a workflow with “Approval Only” tasks to get each unit leader to view related financial statements (no data entry). The WF generates emails containing 2 links with system formatted verbiage: first link opens an associated template in Prophix and also displays the user’s assigned dashboards; second link opens the task in Excel bringing up an offline template only - no dashboard. Since our main purpose is to nudge users to view Prophix reports, we are not really concerned with the approval functionality in this WF (we’ve even disabled “approval edit” on the task and have set the tasks to automatically change to “complete” status in “Deadlines” once it is overdue by 21 days). Note - all users receiving a task are Reporting Users only

I am unaware of how to, but will watch closely so I can possible do this in the future.

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I was not aware of this.

I am unsure of how to remove the 2nd link.

I am unsure that it can be removed but if not you could probably suggest it to prophix.

Would be nice if there was a way to customize this but I’m not sure it exists currently.

I think there is no option at this point where this template can be changed.

Are you able to change the details contained in the email using ‘Options’ in Workflow Manager?

I don’t know how either, but would love for this to be an option. Great question!

i’m vote for new ideia to update

It does say to click on the first link only as the 2nd link is not-applicable so doesn’t this alert the user to ignore the excel link? I definitely agree though, it would make sense to be able to remove it so that the recipient doesn’t have a choice.

Am not aware of this or have encountered it.

I am not aware if this is possible, but would be interested in having the ability to remove.

Currently, I do not know but would be interested in the customization to be an option. Wonderful question to bring up!

Would love a customization option

I don’t know how to do that. It sounds like this would be great to add to the prophix feedback forum for voting if you haven’t already.

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