Administrating Security in Prophix

Hello Everyone,

Has anyone come up with a form, or process, that is needed to grant access to new users?

Say a form of who approves the new user, their department, what models (cubes) they will need access to, level of access, processes they will need to be part of or approve, etc…

Any help or direction for managing this would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Bryan Tretheway
FP&A/FinSys Admin
Maine Machine

Hello! I think that something like this would be fantastic. I would encourage you to contact your IT department because perhaps they can add Prophix to their software request forms. Most departments have some kind of form for managers to use to request access. You could work with IT to develop the questions for managers to fill out for prophix access, just like the questions In your post. IT can then forward those forms to you so that you can add people!


Hey Bryan,

One way to solution this is to create a workflow. But as you may imagine, that would need some manual intervention since you would need to “kick off” the project and would also need to identify owners etc to provide info to this.

If this is a frequent process (i.e. the new user process), one idea i can think of is

  • create a daily user cube
  • this would have time dimension down to the day
  • provide a template where advanced users can get in and data enter into an account (say new user) and provide commentary (think row notes) on who is the new user
  • you could have dept going across in the columns where they could enter a 1 against the dept they need access to
  • you could user a dynamic time named set to point to the current date, that way the value is unique and you control the date where and when the request is entered into
  • a report binder can pick this up and send it out (at EoD) to the admin
  • this will provide a summary of the new requests, on a push service basis

Hope this helps,


Thank you, Emily.

Unfortunately, my IT department is cobbled together and trying to figure out their own tracking. That’s why I’m looking for suggestions to create my own. As I’ll get it done sooner, they’ll probably use whatever I come up with as a starting point.

Thank you,


Thank you, Navin.

All good ideas. Do you have an example of that template? Have you seen one with other customers of Prophix?


I have not done that as there is another administrator who takes care of it

Hey Bryan @bryan.tretheway.1
The new user cube concept was an idea I came up with looking at your post/requirement. Hopefully I’ve put down helpful details on how I see the template working for your tracking purpose :slight_smile:

That said, I have used a similar concept for a client where I created a daily cube, used it with a dynamic ‘current day’ named set to track the processing time for certain jobs, and for export-import between cubes.


We have a pretty small user-base - and rely on the FP&A director to determine who needs access as standard or advanced users.

Additionally - we have an internal process that requires addition to an Active Directory group to enable access to the web-services for Prophix.

Quarterly we review the termed users, and clean -up folders + remove access

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Thank you, Tim.

I like the idea of using Active Directory as a quarterly check.

Thank you!


I don’t find IT to be the best place to manage Prophix user security because the security assignments are so data specific and unless you are done building your environment, and ours is in constant evolution. That said, our plan is to expand the Prophix user base to be most of the company by the time we are done, using prophix for more than mere budgeting and financial reporting.

The form you need will depend upon your security structure. We use groups for everything. The group a user is in defines the roles, which assigned the licenses and menu options available. The groups also specify read/write access within each cube. Since we have SSO enabled, we need to make sure IT adds them to the SSO list, but thats about all we need them to do.

Our process (not yet a full form with approvals) is to identify the user’s purpose within Prophix, assign the right group(s), and issue the IT request to add them to the SSO group.