Analyzer/DPM Attributes

I have no experience with using analyzer but setting up a schedule or template within DPM can be downloaded to Excel.

I unfortunately donā€™t know the answer to this question.

At the moment I download a schedule to Excel and manipulate accordingly

We have created a report out of the DPM cube using attributes as the member as mentioned previously, you can then use the employee as your row member and using properties of the employees you can then choose your attributes to provide more detail in the report. Not easy to explain but:
Clone the rows
Right click on the row member
Choose properties
Choose attribute
This will then give you a different attribute in another column.
I know that this doesnā€™t help with Analyser reports but by creating this report you can see all of the attributes with the financial information.

I like Julieā€™s response above
We run a lot of different DPM reports, and like the OP said, there is not always all the detail we would like and building it in is not intuitive

Thanks for the responses above. As others have mentioned, the DPM reports can be tricky at times!

Creating a named set and bring hem in template studio as 2 data views

I have always just used Excel but sounds like others have found better solutions.