Analyzer/DPM Attributes

Is there a way to access DPM attributes in Analyzer reports? I would love to be able to create reporting in Analyzer that incorporates Attributes in addition to dimension members. Is there a way to do this?

I am unsure, but would like to see if anyone else has any input on this topic.


That’s an interesting use-case. I used excel for this task but would love to see a solution

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I am not sure, but would use excel

I am uncertain, but I’m eager to gather input from others regarding this topic.

If anyone knows how to do this, I’m interested!

We create headcount report by employee out of Personnel Cube. Attributes in DPM are member properties of employee in Personnel Cube, so we are able to present attributes by duplicating employees and showing member properties. Hopefully this is what you are looking for.

Thanks for sharing - we will look into using this.

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I unfortunately don’t know the answer to this question.

I am not sure how this works.

I do not know the answer, unfortunately.

I am not sure, but would love to know if there is a way.

I currently do not have a solution for the question posed however, would be interested to see how other users are addressing the same issue. Hope someone is able to provide insight into your topic.

I’m not sure but am interested in what other people are doing.

Interesting approach to this issue!

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Kim, specifically to the Analyzer MS365 plug-in, no you cannot. This since the functions currently available on Prophix MS 365 Analyzer are only limited to cube data.

That said, you can definitely report almost any attribute in DPM to the Cube by converting it to a member property. Most clients use this in their personnel planning. If you are merely looking at reporting attribute info in a report, then you certainly can in Prophix.

If the above makes sense, I’d suggest you to absolutely schedule a call with your CSP team and they should be able to walk you through this solution.

Hope this helps,

This makes sense. When you say duplicate employees and show their member properties. Are you duplicating them in the Financial cube? How do you update with the addition of new employees? Or terminations?

If attributes are converted to a member property in the cube, can you use the data in Analyzer? and if so, how would you do that?

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In template design, colon the row (employee) and display row with member properties (attributes). We upload employees in DPM monthly then post it to Personnel cube to update addition and termination. Then we load headcount by employee into Personnel cube. For example, new employee A is hired in June, his headcount is 0 in May and 1 in June.

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Hi Kim,

I don’t believe you will have the option of doing so in the Prophix Excel Anaylzer function, in the current state.
