Analyzer/Named Sets

I am struggling to use Named Sets in Prophix Analyzer. Is there a way to do this? I’m unsure why this is not working. If anyone has done this, could you tell me how you did it? Perhaps I’m doing something wrong.

We use named sets during our budgeting processes.

I’ll be curious of other’s responses too. I struggle sometimes with named sets.

We use named sets in Time and in Version for setting up months to report against and to use for a current budget version. This helps to set up reports that we can then just change the version or time in and we don’t have to recreate the reports. Set up the named sets in Model Manager and then choose members in Ad-hoc, when you view in analyzer you can use the drop down menu’s in the pages to view different named sets.

We use them during the budget process

Unfortunately our team also used that within the initial forecast cycle only

You can use the GETMEMBERKEY To find the names to alt hier named set. But I’m not sure you can refer to named sets in Analyzer. It might require some testing. And if you can, I would suggest trying this function in combination with a GETVALUE function to see if it can work.

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We have used them during our budget process but would be interested in how other companies have actively used them all year long.

Navin, It didn’t work, but I like the idea. I might use it for other purposes. Thanks! How do I pose these questions to a development team to see if these improvements could be made in Analyzer?

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Thanks, Navin. Your suggestion can definitely be repurposed!

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Hey Kim,

Typically, the route to go would be the product feedback forum where you can add your feedback. This is where the Product team looks constantly for product enhancement ideas.

If it’s a bug (which this isn’t), then a support ticket would be the go-to.

I would say, in addition to leaving your feedback on the site aforementioned, you could even approach your CSM with the idea / use case and have them send it forward to Product Development.

If you do have any other Analyzer related questions, I’m happy to help you via this forum (I love Red Carpet!). :slight_smile:

Hope this helps,

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Thank you Navin! I didn’t realize that forum existed. That’s exciting. I will try that. Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate it.
And I agree… I’m really enjoying all the great tips and ideas on Red Carpet. It’s a great resource!


You’re most welcome, Kim. Cheers!

We use names sets in almost all our dimensions. Very helpful for report maintenance and categorizing things.

I believe you would have to create the named sets in the model manager as others have said.

I created a Vendor Active and Inactive Named set in model manager, created another one for Subsidiary and departments for indirect reporting

I never used prophix analyzer but I am planning to use in the future.

I have not used the analyzer yet but will look into that!

We use analyzer, but I’ve never created a named set in it. All of our named sets are created in model manager.

We have not used the analyzer yet.