April 2023 Product Adoption Tip: Prevent uploading data to a previous year

Do you have templates or processes that reference budget data for a previous year and are hoping to lock down this data so that users don’t accidentally overwrite it?

There are a couple ways of approaching this requirement in Prophix:

  1. Version member properties
  2. Security manager write access

Version member properties

  1. Open Model Manager
  2. Locate the Version that you would like to lock down


Under the Member Properties panel, update the Start date and End date.

When a start and end date is set, users can only enter data into the Version for that specific time period. By setting start and end dates as the current year, users won’t be able to update values for this version for any previous year.

Security Manager write access

  1. Open Security Manager
  2. Choose which Group or Users you would like to alter their access


  1. Set the write permissions in the Time Dimension to the current year members

A named set can also be used here so that users could only update values in the months defined centrally through Model Manager.

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Very useful reminder. Thank you!

Thank you for the tip. I believe this is what we do, but I am now going to double check! Once we have completed a budget or forecasting cycle, I change the version type in the member properties to closed.


Thank you for the tip.

Interesting tip - thanks for the update!

This is a good tip to keep in mind as years switch.

Good tip - thank you!

Two good options, thanks! Most of our users are Standard level, so write permissions are limited through workflow tasks.

great tip - thank you

Nice! Thank you for the tip.

Very useful, thank you.

Thank you for the tip!

Really useful tip, we currently use this for our forecasting but our budget is continuous so we don’t need to use it for that.

Great tip that can definitely protect our data in our forecasting processes

Thank you for the reminder!

This is helpful to remember, thanks!

Great tip for better control.

Thanks for the tip! I will be sharing this with the forecasting team to see if it is something they are needing at this point. Always looking for more tips and tricks to be more efficient and safeguard our data!

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Thank you for passing this along!