April 2024 Production Adoption Tip: Copying Data Access Between Users

Have you ever had the need to set up multiple users in Security Manager that have a similar security access? Or perhaps you wanted to verify a user’s security access with your own user before giving them access to Financial Planning & Analysis. You can utilize the “Copy Data Access” feature to help you out.

In Security Manager, select the employee you want to copy the data access from. You can then click the “Copy Data Access” button.

You can then navigate to the user you want to copy the access to and select the “Paste Data Access” button to paste that access to your user.

Note: The “Copy Data Access” feature will only copy what is set in the “Access” tab.
This means users will still retain their roles and group access.

We use Groups to set up access for budget holders so that we can just change a name in the group if roles and responsibilities change.
You can use this tip for Groups as well.

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Would like to know which super seeds, Groups Access or Role(Individual functionality access)?

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This is one of those tips that can save you some time!

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I always look forward to these tips.

I love this time-saver.

Thanks for sharing!!

I use this when creating new users, although that does not happen frequently.

I used it already, great reminder!

We are using it… great reminder! Thanks for sharing!!!

Currently using this! Creating a group also helps!

Great reminder. Thank you