Are your Default members resetting nightly to "All"?

Hi!, Is anyone else having issues this week with their default members changing from some other member to “All”? I’m seeing this in Time Perspective, Time, and Currency. Is anyone else?

Hi Jessica,

I noticed this for one of my clients today. Are you running any processes that use the Update Full Cube? For instance, in an import dimensions or Optimize Fact table. It seems like (pending more research) that everytime you run a Full update, it resets the Default members to the All root member.


Hi Jessica, not sure if you got the update but this was fixed over the weekend. The default members will no longer reset when you run an Update Cube (Full).

Navin, for some reason I didn’t get a notice that this was replied to - sorry. The big issue is fixed with that update. I had previously noticed it happening if I tried to publish an update to the cube and the update failed. If I fixed the reason for the fail and resaved the defaults would reset. I haven’t been playing with it lately, so I don’t know if that still happens. (That’s less annoying though because I know what triggers it and that I need to fix it.)

Hi @jessica.turcotte, hmmm, that’s interesting. Would you be able to test and provide info if that’s still an issue? If yes, i’d encourage you to also log a ticket please. Kindly keep us posted.
