August 2022 Product Adoption Tip: Moving Data Actuals to Budget with InfoFlex

Continuing along the theme of budgeting, this month’s topic is on how to utilize InfoFlex within Prophix to copy data from one version to another. It is not uncommon for companies to want the ability to copy data from the prior year’s actuals over to the new budget year version. This allows executives to see the prior year’s performance directly on their budget version, allowing them to utilize that information to decide upon this year’s budget numbers.

In today’s article, you’ll learn how to move data from one version to another.

What is an InfoFlex Process?
Before we continue, let’s define what InfoFlex is. The InfoFlex process transforms data, using existing data or input values to do so. For example, an InfoFlex process can do any of the following:
• Copy data
• Move data
• Allocate existing data
• Increase data values by a percentage
• Forecast based on year-to-date data

For the purposes of this example, we will focus on transferring the revenue data from the prior year’s actual’s version into the current year’s budget version. The assumptions are that next year’s business will be good and will therefore increase the Revenue values by 10% on this year’s budget.

Creating the InfoFlex

  1. Launch Process Manager and select (2) InfoFlex from the (1) Insert button.

  2. General Tab - Select the (1) Cube you want to transfer data from and (2) Store or allocate based on existing data option.

  3. Common Dimensions - For this section, you need to determine which dimensions are common and uncommon between the source and target member. In this example, we are trying to transfer data from the prior year’s actuals to current year’s budget. This means that Time and Versions are the uncommon members between the two and as a result need to be (1) deselected in this section. For the remaining common dimensions, you will need to define what they are on the (2) member selector.

  4. Source/Target Members - The next step is to simply define the uncommon dimensions for the source & target member.

  5. Data Transformation – Select (1) Increase by percentage and input whatever you’d like to increase this by. In this example, we will be increasing the revenue values by 10%. Since this is a new budget year, there is usually no data sitting on the target member selections, therefore we can leave the (2) Target data write option as it is.

    Note: It is important that you do not select (3) Delete data from source unless that is your intention.

  6. Time Spread – In this case, we are transferring data from one identical month (year is different) to another, therefore we can leave the options at the default Spread based on existing data.

  7. Lastly, add and run an Update Cube process alongside the InfoFlex to update the changes made by the process.

Remember that how you budget is completely up to you and your company. You may choose to increase/decrease the values by a specific percentage, or simply transfer the actual values directly onto the budget and manipulate the budget numbers manually later. Whichever you choose to do, Prophix is here to help you achieve your budgeting needs!

We use this each forecast and budget cycle.

Thank you.

That was helpful, Where can I find more info on the last tab Processing options. Are there any specific circumstances where the SQL processing engine is not used.

Thank you, this was helpful.

Helpful tip, thanks for posting this!

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We use infoflex in budget and forecast cycles.

Thank you, I was needing to know how to do this!

Thanks for the tip. I look forward to them each month.

This was very helpful, thank you!

We use this process for each of our forecasts as well as our budget. Pretty simple process that saves a lot of time.

We are prepping for Budget 2023 at this time. Thanks.

Thank you. I use this for copying values across versions.

We use Infoflex quite extensively for forecast and budget. Great functionality.

Thank you, this was helpful.

I use this all the time and found it to be a great feature.

Good article!
We need more practical info flex examples like this

What is best practice for revising the budget after you copy in last years numbers?

Very interesting! Thanks for sharing.

We use Infoflex process for intercompany transactions in budget.