Budgeting by positions - Healthcare

Good Afternoon,

I’m looking if anyone has an insight on their budget process by position for a healthcare facility. We have Skilled Nursing Facilities, Housing, and Adult Day Care. Due to the large amount of turnover, we have decided at this point not to use Detailed Planning Manager. For our first year, 2022 Budget, we created templates that were rather large and time consuming on the calculations for each department. Looking for some examples or thoughts to work through this process for budget 2023 so the end user has a positive experience.

Thanks in advance.

Hi. I’d probably still be inclined to use the DPM, but maybe plan by position instead of person. For example, you could have 1 CEO as a detailed planning object, 4 VP’s, 8 Operations Managers, and 20 service reps or something of another category. Then if you have turnover of the 20 service reps, you can still budget or re-forecast and utilize the DPM for tax and benefit calcs and post directly to the cube instead of calculating separately and uploading the values. This way planning would be agnostic to the individual person, but a department manager would know to budget for X number of positions. Just an idea. . good luck!

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Thanks for the thoughts.