Calculating All Pages of a Template

Is it possible to calculate all Pages of a template in one step?

We have a template that has separate Pages for each organization - about 100 total. The templates have template calculations that use data entry values on the templates and cube data. If a user makes a data entry change, the calculations are automatically updated and the calculated results are stored in the cube for use by reports. That works as designed.

However, if cube data is changed, the template calculations will not be rerun unless the template is opened and each affected Page is selected and calculated.

I’m not aware of any way to update all the Pages other than to click each Page.


I found that the Process Manager includes a “Template Calculation” step.

I ran that process, and it appears to have successfully calculated all 100 pages in my template.

This is solved, unless someone wants to add a better approach.


Glad you figured this out, @jerry.sullivan! I’ll leave the topic up in case other customers or Prophix consultants have additional input.

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Jerry, that was going to be my suggestion. Glad you found it!

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