Celebrate Black History Month

February is black history month and at Prophix we celebrate by sharing with our employees a curated selection of books, virtual tours, recipes and events that honor black history. Check out some of the activities we have going on this year:

Thanks! Since I give music lessons (saxophone) this has been a good month to introduce some great music by African-American jazz musicians, historic and current.
Among them Louis Armstrong, Paul Desmond, and a modern legend, Doreen Ketchens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcP2sAX90jI


Thanks! Always love hearing about African-American jazz musicians and the history of that genre


This is great, thanks for sharing.

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@albert.kurtz That’s amazing! Thanks for sharing, Albert :grinning:

Great information, thank you!

Always a wonderful opportunity to hear from other companies!
I love what others are doing to celebrate Black History Month.

This should be known by all!

Great info! I will be looking for some new recipes to try out!

Great info. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for sharing!

Thank you for sharing!

This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!

This is great! Looking forward to trying new recipes.

Thanks for the ideas I can bring back to our company.

This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing!!

Thanks for the exposure to new resources and opportunities. One of the things our company likes to do is invite local minority leaders to join us for a “lunch and learn” where we can hear their story, ask questions and find out about their knowledge of experiences and opportunities to participate in the community to promote inclusion, unity and love for one another. We appreciate hearing about the history and learning what we can do to sustain and promote its continuance.

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That’s amazing :grinning: Thanks for sharing @ryan.wheatley

Thanks for sharing, great information.