Change Color on Graphs

Hi All,

I have a graph on my dashboard that I would like to change the color on one column as it represents budget numbers, rather than actuals. Is there any way to do this?

Also, when you pick a color combo, the first color in the combo is the only color the graph will let you use if you only have one set of numbers. Can you change this? I want the color schemes to be all the same on the dashboard, but I’m not a fan of the orange!!


The Chart Editor in Dashboard Studio does offer the ability to change the ‘Color scheme’, so you could select a different one that doesn’t have orange as its first color.

But unfortunately because you only have a single series of data, it will always pick-up the first color from the scheme you select.

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Try changing the Ad hoc view. Put the versions in the row, time in columns and since the account is not changing. Keep it in the Page member. I had the same issue and it worked. Got help from Prophix consultant.


This is good to know - never attempted to try this, but will explore!

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Good information for future use. Thanks for sharing.

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Good information! Thanks for sharing!

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Great ideas are already posted above. The one thing i’d try to do is change the way your data shows up and also try to use more than 2 axis’. That may help you, with a colour scheme, get other colours thrown in.


These are great suggestions as I had a similar experience. Good to know.

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I also wish that I could customize the colors on my graphs!

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Series colors for charts in Template Studio can be customized, but they apply to all data points in the series. This behavior is not available in Dashboard Studio, though, as you can only choose the ‘color scheme’ for your charts.

If you would like to customize the default color schemes, and apply your company’s own corporate color palette, there is a way to do so with the help of your Prophix consultant or via Customer Support.