Changing Employee ID in DPM

We still have another HR system running (Sage People) where we add new employees in the first instance to generate unique identifiers for them. Those employees are added to Prophix once they are active and have data to be input for them. We used to reconcile with another system, which was causing issues as some of the employee ID’s were being re-used. this caused confusion when uploading our employee data to Prophix, so we changed the Employee ID numbers in DPM on some existing employees within one of our entities. This seemed to solve the issue and data uploads and general reconciliations have been fine since.

However, we have added new attributes to our employee dimension and these will not show on a report for this entity, because the report still uses the original ID number these employees were loaded with. Even if I create a new report, it shows the old ID number under ‘Keys’ for those employees. Does anybody have experience of this issue or any idea of how to fix it without changing the Employee ID back? The DPM shows the employees listed with their new ID numbers and data uploads using those new ID numbers work. It is simply the reporting side that seems to be stuck on the old ID number.

Are you using Scenario’s? if you using it, change default scenario to your updated employee id scenario.

Reporting uses Member Properties data from Default Scenario,

Can you please share your attributes screen see, how old ID and new ID are showing in attributes.


Ali Arsalan

Hi Ali,

Thanks for your reply. We only have one scenario that we use which is the default.

In terms of the employee attributes, within DPM only the new ID shows in the attributes

However on the reports, using the keys and names, shows the original ID numbers


I think this is Input Schedule which shows the old ID, you can go in Schedules under DPM and check if there is any schedule and you can add/change columns in the Schedules which should show new ID rather than Old ID column.

you can even Add or remove the column if needed.


Ali Arsalan

Hi Ali,

I’ve had a look at the schedules and the options within the individual employee records in DPM

Nothing seems to be able to show a change of ID number. Perhaps my license is different to yours, but it looks as though Prophix just doesn’t like me changing the ID. Thank you for your suggestions. I will ask our Prophix Lead to take a look.


Hi Michelle,

Yes, you may not have access, your Prophix Admin/Lead may be able to change it for you.

As I am Admin for my Prophix so it enables me to change/Update.


Ali Arsalan

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