Has anyone created a template for tracking customer on time delivery percentages month over month?
I created a similar report for a Hospitality client, we created a custom Time Perspective which was calculating Per Room Revenue and Cost, which was calculating Account Value / Occupied Rooms.
I think similar approach might be possible, however, how do you calculate On-Time delivery percentage in general?
Ali Arsalan
Hi Ali,
Thank you for sharing. Tracking OTD % = Number of orders delivered on time divided by the total number of orders shipped times 100. Example: (400/1000) * 100 for example.
I am new to Prophix trying to learn how to create the info flex for this calculation, if thats the correct way to do it.
Hi Mindy,
You can create an infoflex to calculate total Orders and store in Stat Account. [Make sure to keep your vendors as LeafDescendents and other dimensions for which you need)
You can create an infoflex to calculate ontime delivery orders if it is not available as Stat Account
[Make sure to keep your vendors as LeafDescendents and other dimensions for which you need)
Third Stat Account can be type of Percentage and you can put a standard formula using the above two stat Accounts OTD / Total Orders
It should give you percentage by vendor for their OTD%.
thank you, I appreciate the feedback.