Cube Creation issues

We’ve just started creating new cubes to parse out the data found within a single large cube that was created at implementation. While creating one we found that it just “stopped” working altogether meaning that it would not allow imports for the dimension contents, etc. We checked and there ARE locked dimensions that would normally require an Update Cube with Full Process to clear. This didn’t work so the new cube was deleted. A replacement cube was created which also will not allow the import of Dimension contents…and I still have locks showing in the System Hub presumably for the OLD cube that was never completely set up.

I must say that when working in Model Manager, I am locked out of dimensions and have to run a process full much more often than I would like…but it’s usually able to clear things up. My IT support has already rebooted Prophix and restarted all the services to ensure that’s not the issue.

Any recommendations to get back on track setting up these cubes?

Jerry T.

Hey Jerry!

Nice to see you on Red Carpet!

I was reading through your post and I think it might be a good idea to get in touch with a consultant like Aakash or Mohamed through your CSP license to see if they have any best practices here. From the sounds of it, you’re looking to build a historical cube to store older data, is that right? Perhaps you shared dimensions from the old cube and this is causing the lock outs.

Either way, I think having one of our consultants review it with you would be a sure-fire way to get you back on the right track here.

Let me know if I can be of any support.

Your Customer Success Manager- Nicole.:blush:
ps. looking forward to your migration starting! woohoo!


Thanks, Varinder has already replied to my ticket submission and we (Varinder, our IT contact here, and myself) are working through it. We’re actually creating new cubes to hold current data (FY 2022) to minimize the impact of a single large DP cube. First one we created works fine, but the last two we attempted have both had problems with trying to upload the dimension members (cost centers, project ID’s etc.)

Jerry T.

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