Cube for Stock

I want to create a cube for our Stock Items. I’ll need to include details for each Item including number, description, stock levels at each location (3 locations), Stock Item value (each and total), Stock Item nominal codes (one each for Stock, Purchases and Revenue). Time isn’t really needed because I don’t plan to report stock levels at anything other than ‘now’.
Has anyone done anything similar? Or should I keep this as an Excel Pivot?

Thanks in advance!



This is a pretty broad question but maybe I can assist even slightly…at least get you some info that help you with your specific case. Prophix Support can do a much better job in assisting. I am just gonna rattle off some areas to think about and ask questions but you don’t actually have to answer them!

DATA…where does it sit today? how would you get it into Prophix? Prophix offers a lot of ways to import data.

DEFINE YOUR CUBE - important step before you go into Prophix is to define the structure i.e. your dimension members. You have already started this…

item number - could be the PART dimension with the number being your KEY
description - this could be the NAME of the Part Dimension…not sure how long this description is
location - you would add an optional dimension of Geography type
stock item value - you can setup specific accounts for these
stock item nominal codes - not sure what these codes are but you can either do an optional dimension or account

You say Time is not needed…be aware that ALL cubes in Prophix must have the following dimensions:

  • Account
  • Version
  • Time
  • Time Perspective

You comment about wanting to see stock levels at anything other than “Now” leads to another item you need to consider when developing a cube…how will or often will the data be updated? You can run a process in Prophix as often as you like to update data…if you only want the most recent data to be in your cube and nothing else you could insert a REMOVE process to clear out the cube right before your importing of the new data…

I will stop here…I will say IF you can get it into Prophix and let them do the heavy lifting you should. Sometimes it requires a small investment of time upfront but you will reap the dividends going forward.

Hope this helps even a small amount


Hi Monte,

Thanks for the pointers. I’ll persevere for a while but I think your suggestion of enlisting the help of Support is probably where I’ll end up.

Best regards,


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