Customize Date

How does one customize a date to show month and year? Looks like the current option in column of &mp[MonthWithYear] doesn’t have a space between the month and year and that is not report presentation friendly.

Hi, Nicole. I agree that the date formats available are not what we use in our financials, so I created Custom Member Properties for the time dimension. Maybe this is a request we can get into a future update! In the meantime, I hope this helps!


I have issues with the date format too. We show our dates in our financials as Sep 21 for example. I like the idea of the custom member properties @donna.ferrante

Hi Nicole, you could even use the below to get to month and year,

  1. Time >> Name (for the month)
  2. add a space / hyphen to separate 1 and 3
  3. Time >> ‘Start’ >> Year (to get the year)

Hope this helps,

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