Dashboard Wins!!!!

I just wanted to give a shout out for the updates to the Dashboards. I have been busy meeting with all of my program end users to walk them through their new custom dashboard.

Our end users have historically only used Prophix during budget season. They would get frustrated when looking for a report in their favorites, and more.

I now have Dynamic Dashboards for each end user that they can filter on, access their reports from (eliminating the use of favorites) and more.

There is even talk of using Prophix DBs for metrics that our executive team wants to track!

Many end users had a lot of “aha” moments during these meetings. I think that finally, the reports that I have worked so hard to build will get utilized!!

There are still some updates that I want to see, but overall…amazing! I’m also going to build DBs for budget season to help directors better understand their budgets.

Are your end users engaged? Are you using Dashboards? Think about it!

Thanks for posting this, @emily.anauo. And let the record show that we did not put you up to this!

No you didn’t. I am so energized after all of my one on one meetings that I had to show my excitement with people who will actually understand!!


Congratulations @emily.anauo. Sounds like your hard work is finally being recognized for the quality it provides. Epiphanies are wonderful to behold when they happen!

Congratulations @emily.anauo! Thank you for sharing these great news with us !

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This is awesome! Thanks for sharing.

Are you willing to share a screen shot of what your dashboards look like?

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I’ll have to see which one would be best to show and figure out what I would need to black out…but yes, I can share!


That’s exciting! I wish my users were more engaged.

Always a win when your hard work pays off! I created Dashboards, but they are only a reminder. Maybe next year I’ll create a more meaningful design!

We have asked our users if they want dashboards and so far no real enthusiasm…

My advice would be to create one and show them what it could be. They likely have no idea what they are missing out on!

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We do not use that much of dashboard functionality for now

We don’t use dashboards much today, but they might be the next thing on our list to develop

You worked so diligently and to be rewarded at the end with their ‘acceptance’ of this new format is awesome, I’m so happy for you!

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the new dashboards are great. all the clients i speak to are loving it.

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agreed. i have a few people who really like them, and a lot who are “meh”. but then i think to myself, i wonder if it’s just because their dashboard isn’t showing them info that’s useful to them. so every once in a while i’ll tweak them and see if that gets any more uptake. the other thing i’m working on is different dashboards. i don’t want to have a ton, but right now i’m aiming for four - Finance / Operations / Sales / HR.

We’ve never really progressed with this feature. Maybe I should take another look…

Very exciting! We use dashboards as well. The users enjoy having “Favorites” and “Workflow Tasks” so easily accessible.

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This is the first time we have had non-finance employees accessing Prophix and I had wanted to set up some cool dashboards for our budget process, but I ran out of time! I’m exited to get to that soon!