Data from New Personnel Model Scenario Not Showing Up

I created a new scenario in my Personnel Model and made the changes I needed to make. I specified that I wanted it to be posted to the new version I created in Model Manager and the new budget version I created in my Finance Model. I ran the Post Data process and it says it was successful, however when I look at the results in my budget version that I specified, the old values are there. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Thank you.

Hi Nicole,

If you are not seeing your DPM data in your linked cube (Finance Cube), the issue could be in many places.

  • Timing issue / Cache (make sure you have tried to logout and log back in and see if it shows up)
  • Scenario settings
  • Calculations
  • DPM Admin section
  • Model Manager >> Finance Cube >> Version settings

I would recommend you check these to start with. Feel free to paste some screenshots re the above here with some info, and we can try to troubleshoot it.


Hi @nicole.cutler,

Just following up on this.
Was Navin’s advice on this helpful?
