DPM Anniversary Increase Calc

Hello! I’m trying to write an anniversary increase calculation but I don’t want to use a %…instead I want to write the calc as a $0.25 increase. Any idea how to do that?


Hi Emily,

The anniversary increase is helpful since it’ll give you an answer in one calculation, as you probably already noticed.

The way to do an absolute amount is to create a multi-step process:

  1. Create a formula to enter (say) a static number of 2
  2. Create an ann increase to increase this value by 100%, and return only the gross amt
    This would mean that on the ann month, it will return a value of 2
  3. Create a sum of the above two steps
    This should return a value of 4
  4. Create a lag function of the sum
  5. Create a sum of the lag and the sum (i.e. step #3)
  6. Create a IF calculation to see if the value of #5 is 6; if true, you have this month as your anniversary month. You can apply the absolute amount in the true part of this IF calculation.
    If false, you can have it return a 0.

Hope this helps,

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Thank you so much!

Now, we need the option to use the anniversary increase as either a % increase or $ increase so that one doesn’t have to go through all of those steps! Feedback forum here I come.

When an organization has a lot of hourly staff, often times they don’t do a % increase …


I like the idea of being able to set an anniversary increase as either a % or $ amount. Thanks Emily.

I think that’s a great idea for the feedback forum, Emily. Also will gives the Ann Increase calculation more use (allowances, etc.)


I added a note to the feedback forum and it’s being processed. The title is

“Allow absolute amounts for a DPM anniversary increase”

Please vote!!


@emily.anauo The feedback forum is your best option for this. I would suggest that you extend your request to include the “General Increase” calc, since it also expects a percentage increase value and currently does not support an absolute value.

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@emily.anauo In chatting with some co-workers, a new solution has surfaced.

If you setup the Anniversary Increase with a 0% value, but then also make it ‘adjustable’. Then when editing the calc data for the specific employee on the ‘Adjustable’ tab, you can enter the absolute value in the ‘Increase’ column (i.e. your $0.25) instead of the percentage in the ‘% Increase’ column.


Thank you! Yes, I thought if that. But I would have to do that for a lot of employees.

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Interesting discussion here.

This seems like it must be overly complicated. I’m new to DPM, but I wonder if trying to use the annual increase function for this might over complicate the matter. Instead can’t we just use an if statement to examine whether the current period is the same period of the anniversary date and if so, add the constant value. The “constant could really be a global vector to allow for changes over time, and the calculation would have a condition to be performed only for a certain set of employees (which would have to be setup in any case, so this isn’t extra).

I’m sure I’m oversimplifying—there must be some complex behind-the-scenes logic to the timing of annual increases that my approach doesn’t take into account.

@bob.smiley, I think that what you are describing is exactly what the anniversary increase is doing. The problem with the calculation is that it only allows to to adjust by an increase.

This is very helpful! Thank you!

Great suggestion. Going to vote now!