DPM-Personnel Start Date

We just created a personnel model and when we add a new employee it is showing their salary before their “Start Date” attribute. We have a calculation for monthly salary which takes their Annual Salary attribute and spreads evenly over the year. I assume I need another calculation to check for start date but not sure how that calculation should work.

Hi Michelle,

In your scenario, seems like you want the scenario to begin, for every employee, not before their hire date. In this case, you would could

  1. create an attribute (say) Hire Date

  2. Make it a Required Field

  3. Link this ‘Hire Date’ attribute to the ‘Start Period’ attribute (one of the few mandatory attributes the system creates)

What this does is ensures that the start period for every DPO (Detailed Planning Object), which is nothing but your employee in this case, is the hire date.

Hope this helps.



That worked. Thanks Navin!