Drill to Detailed Planning in Different Versions

Do any of you have experience with utilizing the drill to detailed planning in different budget versions? Our DPM is tied to our working budget version, but when we copy it to our budget version the drill to function no longer works.

Hi Daneece,

One approach in such a scenario would be where you use one version as a ‘working’ version (say budget working) that’s tied to DPM. And as and when you need to make versions of it (of a pt in time), you copy them into diff versions (draft, approved, etc.) in the cube. That way, you’ll always use the working version (the current one) to drill to DPM.

Hope this helps,

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Yes this is the scenario we utilize today, but managers cannot drill into the version they see (budget) to determine variances from budget to actual because the details / DPM are in working budget.

Hi Daneece,

Another idea could be to export the data into a staging table and make that into drill across. Not sure if that will work, but worth an idea exploring i’d think.

Hi! I sense a learning opportunity for me here, as I am just planning my second budget-cycle go-round. We have grant budgets that are on a different cycle than our annual FY budgets, and I was just going to set up a new personnel schedule within the DPM. Am I understanding that utilizing a different schedule will not keep the two separate and distinct for budget drill-down purposes? Will updates to the new schedule tied to the new planning version also update the working DPO’s?

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Linda Sue we have working budget and forecast as options to drill through in our DPM. Working budget is where we do all of our budgeting then we copy working budget into budget through infoflex once we have it complete. I can’t drill to DPM from budget, I can only drill to DPM from working budget. I have a ticket into Prophix Support to see if there is a work around. I am sure someone who is more knowledgeable than me will respond. There are quite a few red carpet postings about DPM usage.

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Linda Sue The schedule itself won’t provide that separation, but a scenario will. So create a new scenario/version, then create a schedule to work with that scenario/version.

We have this same issue!

Hello Daneece,

In today’s CEWS webinar, I demo’d how you can Drill to Detail Planning (DTDP) using multiple scenarios. I see from your note that you are unable to do so, after Infoflexing the data. DTDP works when you have the version attached to a scenario that the system can drill to. Since this chain is broken (so to speak), you aren’t able to DTDP. One suggestion could be to create a duplicate scenario, tag the version accordingly (the version that you infoflexed into earlier) and send that to the finance cube and DP cube. This may let you DTDP subsequently.

Hope this helps,


I watched yesterday’s CEWS webinar, it was very helpful. I think I can make what you discuss above work. Thank you for the helpful information!


Most welcome. So glad to hear that you were able to attend and benefit from it :slight_smile: