excel add in Analyzer


I’m very happy with the excel add in (Analyzer). However, i just miss one feature here.
When you have a lot cells which need to be updated, it’s difficult to see the status of the update.
Is there a possibility to add a status bar in your excel screen showing a % completed.

Thanks for your feedback.

We don’t use Analyzer, but curious what others think.

We don’t use Analyzer. Interested to see what others think.

We have just started to use M365 so I’m interested to see what other people who’ve used it more think

We are heavy users of Analyzer to pull data from and push data to Prophix. The way we tell status of the report update is the little green ‘refresh icon’ light up in each of the cells with formulas while running and when they stop blinking, the report has completed.

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Interested in the response!

Good morning, we don’t use this course, how do I get it?

We aren’t using Analyzer.

We would be using it soon once we migrate to cloud, we do use Prophix for Excel for now.

Haven’t used this but am interested in learning more.

We are not using this

I use this to enter our projection into Prophix. I have been very please with the time savings it provides. I would like to figure out other ways to use the feature as I find the ease of use to be beneficial.

We don’t use analyser but will be looking into what it can do for us.

We recently started using utilizing Prophix Analyzer. Our biggest file has about 10 tabs that have to be updated. It would be nice to have a notification of some kind when I do a refresh all when it is completed.

Analyzer IS saving us quite a bit of time to update those 10 tabs (previously was being done via copy and paste!). So i am liking this change and starting to think of other ways to implement using it.

I do wish you could have more than one data view per tab though.

Monte Southwell

Due to timing, we do not have the capacity to use to our fullest abilities but hope to use more in the future.

We don’t use Analyzer, but curious what others think.

We have issues with Analyzer. Some users will corrupt links and others will not. Also, no one is able to tell me how to change analyzer formulas when you use an alternate hierarchy

We like using workflow manager for these tasks and then review status via the dashboard vs addin

Commenting to follow up on this, we have not had the ability to use this yet

We don’t use Analyzer but I am Interested to see what others are using it for?