Export File Names

is there a way to export the library of all the templates/data views, etc? We have so many reports and things set up and I ma trying to clean it up and organize it a little better.

I have tried checking Prophix Metadata tables and fact tables, It is unlikely to find such details.
One of the reason, the data in encrypted in tables, There are tables starting with FileSystems, which have these details, however full details are not possible without decrypting data.

I don’t think so there is any other option available in prophix to extract that information.

If you find a solution, please share.


Ali Arsalan

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Hi Michael,

This is a great question. You can send templates via report binder to yourself or any other user within FP&A. Dataviews can be downloaded to excel but there are some best practices that should be followed. If there are too many reports that need to be ‘exported’ and these reports are of multiple pages, then the report binder could time out. To organise everything, I would suggest doing it within Document explorer and creating folders.

However, since you have CSP I think it’s worth submitting a ticket with our product adoption team so that they can give you some more customized suggestions to your environment.

Hope this helps!