Februaury 2024 Production Adoption Tip: Receiving Notifications when a File is modified

Curious about the Bell icon on Files in Document Explorer and its purpose? You can add yourself to the notifications list for a File: if the File is updated or deleted, you will receive a notification, that is precisely what the Bell icon does.

In Tile or List view of Document Explorer, hover over the File and click on the Bell icon. The icon will then be filled in indicating notifications are turned on.

Points to consider:

  • To remove notifications for the File, click on the Bell icon again. The icon will no longer be filled in.
  • If you select multiple eligible Files using the checkbox, clicking on the Bell icon adds or removes you from the notifications of all files selected.
  • When the Bell icon does not appear, the file type is ineligible for notifications.
  • Folders are not eligible for notifications.
  • Files in the Process Files drawer are also not eligible for notifications.

To learn more about the Notification feature visit this link.

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I have used this before but not needed it recently and forgot about it - might try using the bell icon again.

It is very useful for Advanced Users as they can keep track of changes in their Favourite reports, if they are changed by other Advance user or Admins.

Does it shows who changed the report?

Thanks for the reminder.

It’s a very useful tool. Thanks for the reminder.

I’ve also forgotten about this! thanks for the refresher!

This is very useful. I had forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder.

Was curious about what the bell was for. Thanks for the info!

Thank you for proving the info! this is very useful.

I enjoy these monthly tips. They’re good refreshers.

Great reminder on the use of the bell icon.

I wasn’t aware of this, I will try and use it.

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This is new for me!!

This seems very useful. Thank you