Hello! Please check out my feedback forum.
If you agree with my idea, please vote!!!
In a nut shell, if a template is read only, have it open up to the end users read only access. Of a template is opened as write access, then show the write access only.
Example - end user only has two programs. They only have write access to program A. So for a workflow that requires data entry, I would want that template to only show program A without the end user having to filter through all other programs to get to their one.
Please let me know if you don’t understand where I’m coming from!
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I see where you’re coming from, and we need a solution, but one challenge is that sometimes the read only portions of the data are important to see in the template that they are adding budget data to (write access). Otoh, having to scroll down is sometimes confusing, and if there are pages that are completely read o it it’s even more confusing.
I think I’d make your request a bit more complex to have the ability to specify as part of the workflow how to open the template. For example, which combination of elements to start with, which would be driven by user.
Basically the user-based security is not enough to provide decent navigation at the workflow level. There needs to be a way to make it more process/user combo specific.
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