Curious if anyone has ever used a separate headcount cube in Prophix? We want to get away from the current excel based reporting we do on headcount. This would not be for budgeting but strictly reporting. Headcount compared to budget, headcount by type (FT, PT, Temp, etc), headcount by country, headcount by functional area (COGS, Selling, G&A).
I created an FTE Stat Acct. In my organization, headcount doesn’t really matter but FTE does. This account is in my Personnel Analysis Cube. In this cube, I have summaried budget data by position and import actual data by position. We can analyze this data by $, hours, and FTE’s. We can also analyze by FT/PT and by payroll code (regular pay, overtime, PTO) In many cases, I’m asked to prepare a report just on actuals. I also have another cube for the same analysis by Pay Date but for Actuals only.
What you are asking is totally possible! You can import the data into Prophix as you want to see it for headcount.
No, but am interested to hear other uses!
We haven’t built a separate cube for, but use all the statistical measures along the common dimensions of our company hierarchy. We include payroll hours from production & training employees. New Hire counts, and head counts. Additional we include FTE - since the costs per person & costs per productive FTE can vary widely by vertical & worktype.
we Have a cube for corporate employees but use an FTE stat account mostly. A headcount stat account would be useful too tho.
Same here. I created a stat accounts in my Financial cube to report headcount (Temp, Hourly, Salary). However, creating an entire cube seems time consuming and I would not go through the hassle of managing another cube.
We currently have FTE information by pay code in our account hierarchy as a statistic. However, we are looking into building a daily statistical cube for FTE and Census data so our administrators can have a daily dashboard on per patient day data.
We have a statistical account in our DPM Personnel cube that allows us to report Headcount. We also created a graph that is on our Executives dashboards showing the current months headcount by Department.
We also have a stat acct in DPM Personnel cube that we report Headcount for current and for budget; however, we do not maintain this throughout the year. We do that through our HRMS system…wouldn’t want to have to maintain two systems, but it sounds intriguing.
yes - I created an entire payroll cube where each payroll processed was pulled into the model. We were then able to analyze headcount, hours worked, overtime rates as well as all of the cost buckets by person. The GL doesn’t give you the person level detail. I pulled this into the same cube as was created by our DPM Personnel Planning model which then allowed me to easily analyze variances to plan at a per headcount level. If department managers didn’t understand why their overtime was off, I could tell them the person (s) who was causing the variance.
Can’t say I have, but that’s definitely an interesting use case.
We have just started using Prophix and during set-up created statistical measures for headcount. All is housed in the personnel cube and allows us to do comparative reporting versus budget and forecast.
I am interested too. We don’t do much headcount tracking by number except annually.
Right now, we mainly use Prophix to build our personnel budget and have the headcount reports in excel. But we would like to move those into Prophix. I was toying with building a new cube to house our actual data. I’m curious to see how others to do!
We created a dummy account for headcount with a lookup calc in the DPM to place a “1” each month for each person employed that month. As each person in the DPM is assigned to a department, that results in a budgeted headcount number for each department for each month. I import monthly stats into that dummy account in the “Actual” version, which gives me my budget/actual variance on monthly actual headcount as well as annual average headcount.
Hi Matt, We also import Actual and Budget headcount through Personnel DPM, then post to Personnel cube for reporting. We load Actual headcount monthly. However, current month template doesn’t have previous month data, it zeros out previous month headcount when posted to Personnel cube. I have to create a new Actual headcount calculation so it doesn’t post to Personnel cube. Then I load Actual headcount to Personnel cube directly. The reason we still need DPM is employee dimension comes from DPM. DPM is used to update employee dimension. I am wondering if you have better way to handle it. Thanks, Xiang
Here at Unimed Campo Grande, we used the detailed cube of personnel, people and cost centers, it was great and it was built from the knowledge acquired when we implemented the Prophix solution.
yep. it houses all of our headcount data, including turnover reporting, and reporting driver counts against budget, both of which are key KPI’s for our organization.
I’m late to the discussion - would love to hear more about how you set this up. I’m currently working on a position control cube. We’ve already got a personnel cube for budgeting, but we need to be able track positions more closely.
Hi @sara.gillis, I’ve got in touch with your CSM for next steps on this since your a CSP customer. One of our product adoption consultants would be happy to help you with this