Ideas for Dashboards - Charity

Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone has any good dashboards set up for charity organisations? As cost control is more important than margins etc for us, does anyone have anything that works well for budget holders to track where they are at a glance?

Many thanks.

Hi Thomas, great question!
Dashboards are always a great tool to allow users to see their data at a glance. Since looking at cost control is most important I may suggest some of the following KPIs and Dashboard display formats:

  • Dept. or Project Costs vs. Budget (this type of information is great displayed as a Badge in Dashbaord studio, which could be based off of a data view showing actual cost, and the text in the Badge can display budgeted cost)

  • Donor Growth (This could be a great metric to track, displayed in a Line graph or Bar chart format in order to display changes in donor amounts over time)

  • Top 5 Dept./Project Spenders (utilizing the power of Calculated named sets, you could visually display the top 5 or 10 cost centres in your organization. This may require the help of a consultant to develop the required calculation with you, but can end up being a very powerful tool to display top ā€˜Nā€™ members of any dimension by a specific account in a dashboard using Charts)

  • Cost Breakdown (Getting a better understanding of where costs are being allocated throughout the organization displayed in a relative format using a Pie Chart)

  • Fundraising ROI - See Return on investment may also be helpful to show budget holders in a visual way. This could be displayed in Badge showing the straight value for a period in time, or in a Chart to display change over time


These are all fascinating ideas. I may need to implement them in my organization!