June 2022 Product Adoption Tip: Default Dimension Members Are Convenient

Managing the default member of the dimension is highly recommended for maximizing efficiency. Here, we provide a best practice that can be applied to eliminate the time spent repeatedly updating the common “default” dimension members whenever needed, thereby preventing unnecessary clicks and steps, and focusing more on analyzing the data.

In this article, you’ll learn how administrators can update the default members of dimensions within Prophix through the Model Manager module.

Let us assume that the current setting has not been updated since the implementation phase. For the Account Dimension, I would like the default dimension member to be the Net Income, and for the Version Dimension, the Actual version. Therefore, I would like to update both dimensions’ default members.

The Current Situation:

Let’s take a look at the default members in the Account and Version dimensions. Below are the steps.

  1. Launch Model Manager and navigate to the Finance Model
  2. Select the Account Dimension to see the dimension’s default hierarchy
  3. In the toolbar menu, click on the Option, and a Dimension Option window will pop-up
  4. Find out what’s been selected on the Default member field
  5. Here are the results for the Account dimension as an example



The Next Steps:
By looking at what each dimension default member currently is, I can determine which changes must be made to update the dimension default member. I will illustrate the steps using one dimension, the Version dimension, and point to the actual version rather than All members. Then, as an Administrator, you can repeat these steps for the other dimensions requiring the same changes. Below are the steps.

  1. Launch Model Manager and navigate to the Finance Model
  2. Select the Version Dimension to see the dimension’s default hierarchy
  3. Click on the Options section of the toolbar, the dimensions option window will pop up
  4. At the default member field click on the Member Selector to make the changes
  5. A new screen will pop up, go ahead, and replace the selected All member with ACT Version then click OK



Results: The default Version dimension member has been updated to the new default Actual version.

Hopefully, this helps.

Good Luck!

Great tip. I will be reviewing dimensions and setting defaults. This is especially helpful with the time dimension.

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I like it! Going to make it easier for our end users to look at Ad Hocs

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It’s very useful. Every organization will likely need this for Time Perspective at the least. The default of Time can also be set to the current year as part of your annual maintenance.


Nice! This will save me time with all the ad hoc reports I throw together on the fly.

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We use defaults and it saves us time in ad hoc!

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Thank you! That will be very helpful for our staff!

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Great information, and it will save time for the settings.

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Good tip! Will be helpful!

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This was helpful, especially since we are just in the early adoption stage.

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This is a great tip. Thank you!

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This is great, thanks! I’ve set up all new defaults for each dimension!

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Nice! That is very helpful, thank you.

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Excellent tip. I will definitely be reviewing this in model manager

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This should be helpful.

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Default member can also be used as CurrentMember in MDX.

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The default member function has been so helpful for saving time in our Ad Hoc reporting!

This saves a lot of time. Thanks for the tip.

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this is very helpful, thanks!

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Great information! Thanks.