Limitation of Web Client -Template Studio

Need some help or idea reagarding limitation of Web Client Template Studio as follows ;

  1. Does anyone know how to increase width of components (dimension-Cost Centre) from left-side panel of Template Studio (Web Client).
  2. There are maximum 4 images can be inset in the Template Studio; it is a limitation of Web Clint. Does any know any other way so that in can insert image to make a linked Template.

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Hello Sammil,

I am a Product Manager on the Prophix Product Planning team and I'd like you to know your feedback and questions are extremly valuble to us. The better we can understand how you use and interact with Prophix, the better we can design features and functions for you. To answer your questions:
1. When viewing a template at runtime (Report or Data Entry) in the Web Client the left panel is currently static and cannot be expanded in width. Through feedback and interviews with customers we've realized that often times the left panel width does not accomodate the display of long member names. As a result, we are planning on making the left panel expandble in a future release of Prophix. At this time I cannot communicate an exact date this feature will be available, but I encourage you to keep an eye on release notes moving forward.

Pro Tip: In the meantime, it appears your screenshot is from a monitor with low resolution (or a shrunken browser), you can try viewing the browser on a higher resolution monitor or pressing ctrl - to zoom out and fit more on your screen.
2. There is a technical restriction in Template Studio Web Client that allows users to insert a maximum of 4 images on a single template. The reason is to ensure the file size remains relatively small to protect the template performance (speed) while on the web. For this same reason there is also a restriction on the image files size, it must be less than 500KB. If you have a business case or business requirement to insert more than 4 images onto a template we would love to hear more about it.
3. Once an image is successfully inserted into the template grid you can use the left panel 'Lined Template' button to link a seperate template to the selected image. The linked template will launch when the image is clicked at runtime. Image title

For future assitance please dont hesitate to contact our support team: or log feature requests at


Marleigh White

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