Line Item Report ERROR Excel Export Name

Hello red carpet, I would like to know if your system, when generating a line item report, also generates a strange name when generating Excel, having to adjust the name to file_name.xlsx.

Ours does the same, waiting to see what others say

Haven’t seen this before, sorry.

I am using on-premise, it export as “Line Item report.xlsx”

May be we need to request this as feature where we can name the Line Item Schedule as per template or an option where we can use naming convention for Line Item Schedule in Template designer.


Ali Arsalan

I have not seen this before when exporting.

Hello, I did as Ali said, saved as ’ and entered a name that doesn’t have accents (Portuguese has some accents in the letters) and it worked, but the automatically generated name actually gave an error.

t worked, our consultant suggested this change. I basically saved a new model with a name without accents; I hope this is adjusted for the native version.

No feedback on this !

helpful to know. Thanks

I personally have never seen this before but am glad to know what the solution is now! Thanks!

thanks! This is helpful to know.

Thank you for sharing!

Great to see you got this resolved

We don’t appear to have that issue, any line item report downloads are .xlsx files - is this part of the set up process?