Line Item Schedule Export Design Options

Is anyone in the community aware of a way to:

  1. Add a secondary sort to the line item detail schedules after the Account sort – We would like to sort first by account and then alphabetical order by the Description.
  2. Add report headers to the exported sheets so it is obvious which dimension combination you are looking at when a specific sheet is displayed. (the combination data is available on the table of contents but not the individual line item worksheets)
  3. Limit the accounts that a line item schedule will display (we would like to have a “revenues” view, a “consulting view”, etc. that we could pull up just a subset of the data)
  4. Include the line item detail report in a scheduled process

Overarching Goal: export the line item detail to Excel to archive the detail for each quarterly projection.

Issue 1: The current export has a table of contents but labels the worksheets as “Sheet 1, Sheet 2, etc.” so the only way to know which dimension combination you are looking at is to flip back to the table of contents.

Issue 2: The current export appears to display in order items were added to the line item schedule (total guess on my part!). Would prefer to sort in alphabetical order of the Description column so it is easier to locate items in the longer lists.

Issue 3: We often want to review a certain subset of accounts together when we are looking at line item schedules without having extraneous data. For example, we don’t need the cell phone detail when we want to review revenues, but the line item schedule fills with every line that has a line item detail for that dimension combo.

Issue 4: I’m currently manually exporting to excel by loading the view report and selecting a combination of the dimension elements and clicking export. This takes a ton of time (but it only happens a 3 or 4 times quarterly, so not doing this every day). Would be a great time saver if there was a way to add this report to a process I could run when needed.

#2 - in Template designer, choose “options”. Then click the save as excel tab. Click the customized worksheet naming option. Then click the pencil edit button below that. You can determine how you want the tabs to be named. Also, use autotext in your reports so that you can see all of the dimensions on the actual report.

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Thank you, Emily. I can’t find those options in the Line Item Report designer. Is there a way to access this function in the Template Studio? Here is what shows up for me.

My apologies. I was thinking that you wanted to know how to name the tabs on a report. Here are some updates responses.

  1. I am not aware of a way that you can name the tabs in a line item detail report.

  2. I am not aware how to sort the way that you want to.

  3. I would suggest creating ad hocs with exactly the subset of data that you are wanting to see in each line item schedule. Then when you export the line item schedule, it will show that data from ad hoc. Example - I created an ad hoc for just computer software. So my line item schedule shows the details for each program all in the same tab.

4- I think that by creating smaller ad hoc subsets, you will save a lot of time. I am not aware of a way to add line item detail reports to processes.

I think that this is a perfect suggestion for the feedback forum!


If you would like to connect, please let me know!

Hi Jeanette,

You have some great ideas there. When you have a few minutes, I would highly recommend your input in the feedback forum. Our product planning team is constantly looking at inputs/votes here to pick up enhancements to the product

As you may have noticed, the Line Item is great to create individual entries that roll up to an individual line. In it’s current form, it does not allow for too much flexibility. That said, I think for one of your ideas, I would go the same route as @emily.anauo had suggested - create separate data views, allowing your Line Item reports (LIR) to be focused to the data you’re looking at.

Unfortunately at this point, I don’t see options of naming (excel) sheets of LIR, scheduling them in report binder / process manager, sorting in a manner other than their time of entry made.


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Hi Navin! I’ve been trying for months to get access to the feedback forum. How do I get signed up? Thank you for the info!

Thanks for the great tips Emily.

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Hi Jeanette,

Navin drew my attention to this and I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been having trouble getting set up. I’ve sent an account creation request and will shoot you an email as soon as I have confirmation!


Thank you all for your help!

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Hi Jeanette,
This has been my struggle for the last two budget cycles where I rely highly on the LID report downloaded to excel but it requires a ton of manual manipulation. Please vote on the idea I posted to the Feedback forum to help us get movement on this issue.


I like this. I am going there now

This is very useful! Thank you for posting the subject!

Thank you Emily. Learned something new from you today, which I will use in my reports.

Hi! What did you learn?

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