Looking for suggestions - Day Naming Convention in the Time Dimension

Does anyone know if there is a way to change the default keys or naming for days if you opt to use them in Prophix?
While standard Day month = 2022M02 for February 2022 which makes sense -
February 1st if you use “days” in prophix is 2022D032 (meaning the 32nd day of the year).
I understand it, but it’s useless from a sharing perspective. I’d like to either have it be something like:

Key: 2022M02-01 or 2022M02D01 so that someone doesn’t have to do math to figure out the date
I would like to append the year to the description of the key automatically. If I use keys for my months I get “February” or days you get “Feb 1” but to know what year you are talking about you have to use the key, which is fine, except for this cube uses days which look AWFUL in the key in prophix and make me unable to effectively use either keys or descriptions.

Anyone have any ideas?

I don’t use days, but I do concatenate hidden rows to get the outcome I am looking for, e.g. =D6&", "&D7 with D6 being the cell with Month Day and D7 being the year. I use Custom Members where I manually added the date I want pulled for that purpose, i.e., I have Report Header with 1/31/2022, 2/28/2022, etc. so the report has the exact formatting I want for specific situations. Just a thought. Hopefully you find a great solution!