MDX - I'd love a training class

Is there some kind of video with samples on how MDX is built? Has prophix thought about offering an MDX basics class? I’d love a way to get hands on in a group environment with this (or watch a video where people talk through common examples in Prophix) -

% of sales made up of top 10 customers (as a single number)
Top Ten Customers (changing based on time period selected or some other factor)

I have lots of ones specific to me that I would like to make, but feel like if I understood better the basics of how some general ones are made it wouldn’t be quite the guesswork struggle to make them that it currently is.

Hi Jessica,

Thanks for your message.
Because MDX is under copywrite, it poses a lot of issues to post training material online.
The good news however, is that you are a CSP user so I’ve submitted a ticket within our support portal for a Product Adoption consultant to assist you with this 1-on-1.

You should receive a scheduling link to book a date and time to meet with them in your inbox shortly.

Let me know if you have any other questions!


Hi @jessica.turcotte

I second Sydney’s advise to meet with a Product Adoption consultant.

In addition to that, Prophix conducts the CEWS series (Customer Empowerment Webinar Series) once a month on varied topics. Every now and then, MDX is covered in these webinars, be it in a Stump The Consultant session (Q&A with consultants) or in a educational session on the MDX functionality.

I was part of one webinar where I conducted a primer on MDX with some use cases. The link to the same is pasted below for you reference. Hope you find it useful.



The link to all CEWS recordings
The video pasted above is from June 2020