Not-For-Profit Users - What revenue cubes do you use? Looking for ideas!

Hello, fellow Not-for-Profit Prophix users! I work for a non profit professional membership association (we offer continuing medical education and publish scientific journals among many other things). I’d love to collaborate with my fellow NFP Prophix users to learn how you use Prophix! In particular, what revenue cubes do you use?

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We originally had a separate cube for revenue, but then we eliminated that cube and just put our revenue in the Finance cube. We use line-item details to list the budgeted revenue by funder by month.


Hi, We also use a finance cube and have a revenue cube as well. We use DPMs for budgeting most of our service lines. I was not part of building the cubes, but could provide you the contact info of our admin if you would like to talk to her further about it.

Hi Rianna, Thanks for the offer! If your admin doesn’t mind, I’d like to reach out to her to learn more about how you use DPM. We use DPM only for personnel planning and it works very well; I can imagine it would work in budgeting service lines also.

Great, I’ll send her your information. :slight_smile:

We have two different kinds of revenues: 1. Not unit based revenues budgeted in the Finance Cube. 2. Client/fee schedule based revenues budgeted in a Rev DPM cube at a very detailed level.

We perform monthly variance analysis on units for our Client/Fee Schedule revenues in a separate analysis cube.

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We have two different kinds of revenue- 1 trading subsidiaries and 2 voluntary income. Income from both is simply in our finance/GL cube, with line items as needed. quarterly variance analysis performed on both.

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