Row filtering is a newly released functionality that allows users to display certain leaf members
when opening the template in Report Mode or Data Entry Mode. This functionality can improve template load time and reduce clutter. To accomplish this, follow the steps below:
a. Open the template in Design Mode
b. Expand the Data view – Row Filtering works if your template contains one data view.
c. Under rows, click on the row filtering icon. If you have multiple dimensions under rows, you can select which dimension you want the row filtering to apply to. Remember, row filtering is meant for one data view without unique combinations.
d. If Row Filter is enabled, it allows users to select the leaf members they want to work with. Once enabled, save the template, and open it in report/data entry mode.
e. When you open the template in report mode, you will be prompted with the Row Filtering dialog box. Here you can select which members you want to display in report mode. Click Ok once the members have been selected. Your template will only display the members you have selected.
This looks really interesting, and I need to try it out. Will the filter dialogue box pop up again when I move to a different page, or does the initial selection apply to all pages?
Thanks for reading the tip, Jason! The row filtering applies to your row selection, if you filter between the pages, the row filtering popup will not show up.