Opening My Favorites in Data Entry Mode

When I add a template file to the My Favorites section of a dashboard, following the link opens the template in Report mode.

Is there any way to open the template file in Data Entry mode instead?

I know that I can make a workflow that opens a template file in Data Entry mode, but I’d prefer to make a My Favorites link to access a template that I regularly edit without the need for a workflow.


Yes there is. When in Template Designer, go to options. There will be an option to open the template in report mode or data entry mode.


That worked great. Thanks Emily! :smile:

I just had a question pop up the other day that is very related to this - we have a template that we have set to open in Data Entry mode that is pinned to favorites for a lot of different users. However, we have a few users who only need to access the template in report mode (they don’t have security access to open it in data entry mode) - is there a fix to this so they can open it in report mode straight from favorites rather than navigating to the template through document explorer?


I hope the answer isn’t “save a copy and set the default action.”

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Hi Rob, excellent question.
One option in this scenario (which Bob eluded to below) would be to save another copy of the Template ensuring that it’s default open mode was set to Report Mode.
This can be done through the Options tab in Design Mode.
Alternatively, your users can also Launch to the favorites tab directly from their Dashboard by selecting the 3 dots on the top right hand corner of favorites.
image From their Favorites banner in document explorer they can easily select to open in Report Mode.


Hi @rob.perry

In addition to Della’s suggestions, if you are on the latest version of Prophix (which by default you are if you are a Cloud customer), then a user that has a Standard license (i.e. only reporting capabilities and no data-entry unless via workflow), can still open a default data-entry report, from their dashboard My Favorites, but it will open in report mode. That is, you have a report called XYZ that has been set to open in data-entry mode by default. You set report XYZ as a favourite to user Jane Smith who is a standard user. Jane Smith can select report XYZ from her dashboard and it will open in report mode.
