Orderbook value at a specific date

Hi all,

I have a Sales Cube which contains, among other things, the value of our Orderbook. I can report orderbook value by period / customer / product etc. However, I want to report orderbook value within a given date range at a given date. For example: “what was the value of our orderbook for the current financial year last March?” I can’t figure out how to do this. Seems that I need two dimensions for Time - one for the orderbook date range and one for the order entry date.
Any suggestions out there please?


Hi Allen,

Apologies for the delayed response on this. This could be either an MDX request or an alternate hierarchy request. We would just need more information. I have submitted a ticket with a product adoption consultant to take a closer look (ticket # 130493).

When the solution is found with Support I will post it on this thread.

Please let me know if I can help with anything else.


I’ve developed a work-around for this. I created a new Classification Dimension called ‘Viewpoint’ in my cube with a parent-child structure. I populated this with members 2020M01, 2020M02, 2020M03 etc etc. The structure is such that 2020M01 is a Child of 2020M02, is a Child of 2020M03 etc etc with an ultimate Parent of ‘All time’. The data for each member comes from my Sales Order Document Date. So, now I’m able to choose any or all ‘Viewpoint’ members in the pages of my analysis, with Customer Name in the rows and Time in the columns. In this way, I can answer: “what was the value of our orderbook for the period between xx/xx/xx and yy/yy/yy as of month zzzzMzz?”
Maybe not the best solution but it works!


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