Parent/Child Alternate Hierarchy?

I was looking to setup an Alternate Hierarchy for one of our dimensions but noticed that it appears that any hierarchy setup would be level-based. Is there a way to create an Alternate Hierarchy where the hierarchy is parent-child?

I’m running into the same issue. I’m considering building a duplicate cube where the alternate hierarchy is the main one, loading the hierarchy nightly along with the data. Not great but might be worth it.

Another option is to force the alternate hierarchy to be level based with pseudo-members for placeholders where they would normally be jagged. This approach isn’t much different from the typical relational approach to bills of materials or org charts.


Great recommendation @bob.smiley - was thinking of the same thing.

An example of level-based turned “parent-child” with levels being enforced across the board. All items that are not categorized will sit under the second member under “All”.