Personnel Planning manager company level adjustment

Hello, I’m a fairly new Prophix user.

We have our employees loaded in a Personnel Planning Cube through DPM. Through there, all projected compensation flows through to our Finance Cube, which we report out of. We use this data to budget compensation.

However, I want to apply a vacancy factor at the company level.
Any suggestions how to accomplish that?
Would I create a fake employee with negative salary to capture the vacancy $ amount?
Or can I do something at the company level?

We created a statistical account in our Financial Cube for this. Assuming you are using a percentage driver to create the adjustment, that you want to track/compare the percentages applied by version, & that you want the option of applying a different vacancy percentage to different departments/projects (or different percentages to different months/years).

You might want to create two accounts:

  1. 6194-D Statistical Vacancy-Driver (percentage you fill into a template)
  2. 6194 Statistical Vacancy-Calculated (calculated account that is something like [Total of non 6194 Personnel Accounts] x [6194-D Statistical Vacancy-Driver]

Then you can create a template where you fill in the percentages by department/project and can report on what you used last quarter vs. this quarter etc. We use this more complicated setup because some of our departments have very low turnover, so we don’t want to apply a factor at all to those. So it gives us more flexibility and ability to compare how we are doing quarter over quarter.

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Thank you Jeanette, I will try that