Powerpoint/Analyzer Add-in

We are currently fairly proficient with Analyzer and Contributor portion of the Add-in now. But…how can insert an Analyzer report into Powerpoint? I know how to insert an excel worksheet into Powerpoint, but if I go this route, I get errors as it’s not populating from Prophix. Is there a way to resolve this? Has anyone tried this? Is there a way to do this? Or is the only solution to create a template in Prophix and simply open the template in the Powerpoint add-in? Has anyone encountered this or have suggestions?

Hi @kim.worthington,

You cannot insert an analyzer report into Powerpoint because when you insert an excel sheet in PPT it doesn’t have the excel insert tab which you need to connect the excel sheet to Prophix. The best solution would be to create a template/ data view in Prophix and open the report from the powerpoint add in as you had mentioned.

Ok, I understand. I was hopeful that it might be possible. If there was a way to remain connected to prophix from Analyzer and insert the live object into Powerpoint, that would be an incredible feature. Maybe a suggestion for future improvements?


Certainly! I’ll pass this on to our product team :slightly_smiling_face: