Project Tracking Sheet

Thank you for setting this up. I look forward to the discussion.

Do you know where that room is located?

Our room is the Gospel room. It’s on the hotel side (take the elevators that you take to the room) on the 4th floor. Turn right off the elevator. See you soon! Melissa

We do not yet track our projects in Prophix yet, however interested to learn how others do this. Thank you for bringing up this topic.

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I’m not at the conference, but would like to know what comes of the discussions

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I’d be interested to learn from this

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Creat a personnel DPM cube with project as a attribute.

This sounds interesting and I’d like to see what solutions were presented.

Hello. I’m interested in learning what was presented. Is there a point person to contact for the project tracking? I’m specifically interested for our accounting team

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Hi, Emily. This became a side conversation at the conference between Brooke from HOK (customer) and Melissa (Prophix’s Sr. Solution Architect). They have continued to work together. We’re looking to post a follow-up response about project tracking in this discussion forum. We’re aiming for later this summer! Does that explanation help?

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I would be interested to learn about the progress of this.

I have created my own Project Cube. It allows me to sort Projects in different ways. The highest level is Business Unit (Since this is a Life Insurance Company, business Units include Annuity, Life, Shared Services, etc). The next level is categorizing the projects by Discretionary or Non-Discretionary. The next level shows the Projects (e.g. 17A-02, 18A-01, etc.). Finally the lowest, most detailed level, is listed. We call them PPM’s; they are the sub-project levels and include internal labor as well. I can toggle between these levels. For example, Senior management may want a high level report on what the Annuity Business Unit is spending on projects for expense, capital, prepaids, or internal labor. Or, they may want to know how much of the Company’s spend is for Discretionary vs. Non-discretionary projects. But the Project Managers need a more detailed version. They can view actuals vs plan. They can look by project as well and see what is remaining in their budget. If they want to see what expense are making up that project spend, they can right click any cell in the “Actual” columns, and drill across to see the detailed transactions.

I have also imported historical data for the projects by uploading a flat file, so users can see spend for the entire life of a project, going back several years.


Thanks for providing this epic response, @amanda.chilson!